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SILICIUS increases its like-for-like gross rents by 8.5% in the first quarter, to 6.9 million euros

After completing an asset rotation plan with sales of 89 million euros in its last financial year, the company increases the long-term rents of its current portfolio thanks to updates and new marketing. Records positive growth in like-for-like rents in most of its segments, with a 15.7% increase in its hotel assets, 15.2% in residential and 13.7% in its shopping centres. The SOCIMI is making progress on its leasing portfolio…

SILICIUS signs agreement with B&B to develop a new hotel in the Thader Shopping Center in Murcia

The asset, owned by the Socimi, will have 75 rooms in a space of 3,000 square meters and will be operated by the hotel firm under the name of B&B Hotel Murcia. Its start-up, for which Silicius will invest 3 million euros, is part of the project to adapt the area to promote a new alternative use focused on accommodation that will favor visitor traffic to the shopping park and…

SILICIUS shopping centers improve their turnover by 8.4% in 2023 and exceed 75 million euros

The SOCIMI successfully develops its marketing plan in La Fira (Reus), Bahía Plaza (Cádiz) and Thader (Murcia), with the arrival of twelve new businesses and the occupation of 4,675 new m2. SILICIUS also manages to increase visitor numbers to its three centers by 8% to 10.7 million people thanks to its strategy of dynamizing these commercial spaces

SILICIUS improves its net rental income by 11% in comparable terms, reaching 18 million euros

La Socimi revalida en 2023 este certificado en la sede de Madrid (Velázquez 123) y el centro comercial La Fira (Tarragona); e incorpora a los edificios General Dávila (Santander) y Obenque (Madrid). SILICIUS ejecuta con éxito el plan de certificación de edificios establecido para este año en su búsqueda por introducir eficiencias en la gestión de su cartera de activos. Este certificado internacional acredita que una edificación presenta el menor…

SILICIUS strengthens its environmental commitment with ESG and obtains the Breeam® ES In Use certificate for four assets

The Socimi revalidates this certificate in 2023 at the Madrid headquarters (Velázquez 123) and La Fira shopping centre (Tarragona); and includes the General Dávila (Santander) and Obenque (Madrid) buildings. SILICIUS successfully implements the building certification plan established for this year in its quest to introduce efficiencies in the management of its asset portfolio. This international certificate attests that a building has the least possible impact on the environment and promotes…

SILICIUS increases gross rents by 11.2% to 7.5 million euros

Consolida el aumento de rentas estables a largo plazo gracias al escalado de contratos, la indexación de las rentas y la firma de 18 contratos, sobre todo en oficinas, retail y centros comerciales. La SOCIMI cierra del primer trimestre de 2023 con un resultado neto positivo de 10,3 millones de euros, un EBITDA de 4,9 millones y un fondo de operaciones de 2,2 millones. Mejora un 4% la ocupación total…